The story begins with Sammy the sheep who notices a suffering little sheep from another pasture. As they begin to talk Sammy realizes that he has a good shepherd who cares for his flock, but this other sheep doesn't seem to have anyone that cares for it.
After their first meeting they quickly become friends and each day they find themselves hanging out by the fence talking with each other. However, Sammy fears for his friend because it is apparent that he is not eating well because the pasture he lives in has very little grass left and the water the shepherd brings them to is dirty and filthy.
Yet, each day Sammy learns the characteristics that his good shepherd has that he had never noticed before talking with the sheep from the other pasture. Sammy had thought that every shepherd was like the one he had!
The book is not set up to read in one sitting, and would be more useful as a daily reading for a family devotion time or for bedtime reading. It is set up to go slowly through each chapter and then read the discussion questions at the end of the book. Overall the book is enjoyable and the illustrations are colorful and engaging for younger children.
*I will receive a hard copy of this book from the publisher for writing a review.
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