"The Christian Lover" by Michael A.G. Haykin with Victoria J. Haykin is a compilation of love letters written by believers. It contains the correspondence of Martin and Katharina Luther, Adoniram and Ann Judson, along with many others.
The idea of the book is extremely interesting, it allows the reader to see a different perspective of people like John Calvin through the letters he wrote to friends and family about the death of his wife. It grants one to see closely what a marriage whose center is Christ ought to look like- to see the husband loving his wife as Christ loved the church and also to see the wife submitting to her husband as Christ submitted his will to the Father's.
The outline of the book is simple, each chapter is a different marriage and begins with a brief history of each writer, which is then followed by a few personal letters. The writing style is uncomplicated and gives a very brief overview- almost a little too short. The difficult thing about reading letter's written by and to other people is that at times it is difficult to understand the context behind the letters. Although that is perhaps one of the negative things about this book, it could be used in a positive sense as well- to encourage the reader to look into other biography's about the marriages found in "The Christian Lover". Although it is filled with many famous believers that you might have heard of before, there are few that I didn't recognize and was in fact encouraged to look into the lives of the couples to find out the background of the letters that I was reading.
It is a shorter book and will only take a little time to read through the letters. I would recommend the book to any couple as it is encouraging and uplifting.
*I will receive a hard copy of the book for writing a blog review.