Yet, since it's one of those days, depending on what you read, it could send you straight back to bed in fear of the world, it may be wise to chose your reading material carefully. So since anything news related is out of the question, and since yesterday was Sunday why not something Theological. So now I offer you a page from C.S. Lewis and afterwards you can decide whether to flee to your bed for refuge or if you have just a little more strength to continue through your day:
"...Christian charity sounds a very cold thing to people whose heads are full of sentimentality, and though it is quite distinct from affection, yet it leads to affection. The difference between a Christian and a worldly man is not that the worldly man has only affections or 'likings' and the Christian has only 'charity'. The worldly man treats certain people kindly because he 'likes' them: the Christian, trying to treat every one kindly, finds himself liking more and more people as he goes on- including people he could not even have imagined himself liking at the beginning.
This same spiritual law works terribly in the opposite direction. The Germans, perhaps, at first ill-treated the Jews because they hated them: afterwards they hated them much more because they had ill-treated them. The more cruel you are, the more you will hate; and the more you hate, the more cruel you will become- and so on in a vicious circle for ever.
Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of. An apparently trivial indulgence in lust or anger today is the loss of a ridge or railway line or bridgehead from which the enemy may launch an attack otherwise impossible."
Mere Christianity pg. 131
I chose this page on the idea of charity for two reasons, 1. yesterday was Sunday and 2. often the reason we want to hide in bed is because of what someone has said or done to us. Yesterday was Sunday- sadly, this doesn't always bring the encouragement and corporate worship of Christ as it ought to. No, and way too many times, it brings the opposite. Why is it that those of us forgiven all by Jesus Christ find it so difficult to forgive others? Why do we stay in the vicious circle of hating and ill-treating and then hating more and ill-treating more? How is it possible that we have forgotten that we are to forgive as we have been forgiven? If God were to forgive us as we forgive others- than I think we would find that none of us would be forgiven.
I don't know who has hurt you, ill-treated you, gossiped or spoken lies about you- and truly, I don't know how to forgive them. Yet, this points me to the understanding that it has to be something supernatural because in my flesh- I hate them. They have stomped on my heart and they have hurt many around me that I love but I know that hate and bitterness are a vicious circle, so then how do we get out? We remember...
We remember that when we were enemies of Jesus Christ: mocking, cursing, and fully engulfed in our sin- He died for us. He took upon himself our shame and our guilt and nailed it to His cross.
I'm not sure where this morning finds you, or what you are thinking about as you drink your cup of coffee- but if I could encourage you with anything it would be "to remember". It is when we look up and see our Savior that we are able to find strength to do what would otherwise have seemed impossible.